Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies Change IT Security

IT security as we know it is experiencing a revolution.

The vast number of legacy systems are replaced by storage and transmission systems that are more complex, mobile, wireless, and even hardware independent.

Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies Change IT SecurityCloud solutions, the Internet of Things, and other systems that cater to the new wireless generation require a new, nimble approach to security.

Three of the newest next-generation technologies that are poised to change the nature of cybersecurity.

They offer a glimpse into the changes that are altering the security landscape in ways that would not have been imaginable only a few years ago.

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

The biggest issue with cloud-based applications, particularly in regards to BYOD, is that these technologies reside and transmit outside the parameters of traditional firewalls and security systems.

In order to address this issue, some companies are using SAML (a data authentication and authorization format) with intrusion detection and encryption software to manage their data flow.

Early Warning Systems

Early warning systems are still in their infancy, but they are being created to decrease hacking in an innovative way.

These systems are based on algorithms that attempt to identify sites and servers that will be hacked in the future.

This view is not focused exclusively on infrastructure weaknesses; rather, it includes an analysis of common traits shared by systems most frequently hacked.

For example, a site that is known to contain a large amount of sensitive financial data would be a more likely hacking target than another site that contains only generic business information.

Such systems are not designed to protect all sites, or even sites with specific types of security, which is a departure from classic cybersecurity approaches.

Virtual Dispersive Networking (VDN)

There has been a rise in man-in-the-middle cyber-attacks, through which hackers alter or insert messages into communication flows.

Virtual Dispersive Networking – or VDN – mimics a traditional approach used by the military.

Radio frequencies are randomly changed, and communications are divided into pieces (or streams).

Receiving radios are programmed to reassemble these pieces into their original form.

With VDN, either the internet itself or a particular network becomes the communication-assembling platform.

Peace of Mind in a New Technological Frontier

These new technologies are only a sampling of the work being done to meet emerging threats with comprehensive security solutions.

As with any industry, change can be frightening (especially when sensitive data is part of the equation), but if your company is aware of the new developments, you can begin implementing some of these security technologies into your existing IT infrastructure and enjoy some peace of mind.

Let The Iteam navigate these complex issues with security and emerging technologies – Give us a call and see what we can do for you